Upcoming Events
Fall Revival
Fall Revival – Nov 8th, 9th, 10th
With Evangelist Robert Martin.
November 8th - 7:00pm November 9th - 6:00pm November 10th - 10:30AM
NOW Youth Trip
We are so excited for this years youth trip to Lake Wedowee AL, this is a great time of fellowship and growth in the Lord for our Students. If you have any questions please let us know.
Trip Dates July 9th-12th
June 23rd Parent and Youth Meeting at 5:00pm to discuss Summer Youth Trip Info.
June 26th Deadline to sign up for youth trip.
Kids Crusade
We would like to invite you and your kids to join us for our kids crusade as we learn how to turn our world upside down for Jesus! A meal will be provided each night! If your kids do not have a ride we have bus availability for pick-up and drop off! Please reach out to us if this is needed. Wednesday night will be family night as we celebrate all the Lord has done in the kids during this week! We can’t wait to see you!
6:00pm-8:00pm nightly
For questions or transportation please contact (850) 992-6345.